These are the most common mistakes

made on the journey to sustainable personal health, financial success, and/or harmonious relationships.

💡 Connection: The lack of self-connection.

You need self-connection to bring your mind and body into an optimal state to support the change process.

💡 Discovery: Inadequate exploration and detailed description of emotional learning generating unwanted behavior or patterns.

You must identify all aspects of your emotional learning process to discover what causes these unwanted behaviors.

💡 Rewiring: Insufficiently creating new (real and visual) experiences.

You need many new personal (real and visual) experiences that reset the change mechanism at the brain level.

💡 Creation: Not specifying a clear vision.

You need small but solid actions to achieve the goals of your vision that have been blocked by unwanted symptoms or survival mechanisms.

Applying various skills within these categories leads to effective transformative and lasting changes rather than short-term results.

You achieve physical, personal, and spiritual growth in all areas of happiness: health, wealth, relationships.

Through 30 years of self-exploration, personal crises, reading hundreds of books, various studies, mentors, and guiding thousands of clients, I have internalized this.

The power of synergy with your body, mind, and emotions is the key to deep health, happiness, and freedom, and I am grateful to have enjoyed so much of it in my life, alongside my clients.

I am hosting an online Masterclass „Collaborate with your Health“ next week (27.12.24, 12-1 PM) so you can discover and embrace this methodology.

Write me if you’d like to attend.

Die Qualität deiner Vitalität bestimmt, wie du aussiehst, dich fühlst und wie leistungsfähig du bist.


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