Change of mind change of body!

With Your Health Coach I have achieved a new Performance level without limits. On top I feel healthy,  physically and mentally strong like never before!

What was your biggest challenge when you decided to work with Sabine Heijman / YHC?
The biggest challenge for me was ME! Trying to have faith in the process and in myself to stick to it and believe in my ability to achieve the goals set by sabine and myself. It’s a daily challenge but I’ve been given tools to deal with it.

What were 3 things you found most useful with my coaching?

  1. Learning to get out of my own way.
  2. Trusting others to do their jobs- the trainers to help me get better.
  3. Most important learning to be kinder to myself to help me with my weight loss.

What would you say to a friend who was considering working with me?
Trust the process even when you don’t want to. Trust that Sabine has your best interests at heart. Your success is her success!

What is something I can improve or do better?
I suppose I would suggest more random notes of encouragement to those who really seem to be struggling. Not necessarily asking why they had a bad session or why they didn’t come, but rather sending the message: I know it’s tough but we are here for you!… you know what I mean?

Have you tried other similar solutions in the past?

What makes me different from others you’ve tried?
You have an holistic approach to nutrition, weight loss and training. The physical can’t be changed if you don’t deal with the mental!

Can you think of a specific example of when I exceeded your expectations?
When you understood that my weight is a more mental problem than I was willing to admit even to myself.

What was a big “Aha!” moment you experienced from working with me?
Realizing that even when I’m crying I am stronger than I ever imagined. And just because I’m crying doesn’t mean I’ve given up.

What are some of the unexpected side benefits of working with me?
Read my message above. An amazing change and development in mental, food and body areas. Thanks.

Soprano Golda Schultz, 34

Current performance 


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