
To achieve your health, shape and fitness goals.

Upon registration, you will be able to download my free e-book on this page:

“9 Ways to Master Your Metabolism

I will personally assist you!

My name is Sabine Heijman, and I am an expert in “Deep Health.”

As a former elite athlete in European competitive swimming and with over 15 years of experience in coaching executives, entrepreneurs, TV personalities, royals, and other VIPs, I know exactly what it takes to be fit, lean, and optimally healthy.

In a complimentary conversation with me, you can determine your personal strategy to achieve your health and fitness goals. Completely tailored to you!

If you’re interested in a personal strategy conversation and would like to get to know me, please fill out the form here and clarify what you need.

I will then contact you as soon as possible. We will arrange a Zoom meeting where we can discuss whether I can assist you. This conversation is, of course, completely non-binding.

I look forward to your inquiry!


Apply for a Strategy Session

But it doesn't have to be that way!

It is absolutely possible to get back in top shape, even after the age of 45, without having to make concessions to your lifestyle.

In fact, only 5 simple habits are needed in your life to guarantee your health and vitality for years to come.

With these 5 habits, you will achieve your ideal weight, take care of your fitness and strength. They are easy to implement, and you don’t have to drastically change your lifestyle.

During my VIP day, I will teach you how this works.

Birgit Ströbel, 55. CEO Ströbel Business Empowerment

With Sabine, I’ve found a way to perform full of energy all day long and feel great all over!

You have always looked at me holistically and shown me how to eat right and move so that it fits for me. You showed me that in a very understandable way! What really makes you unique is your individualized attention and tips for everyday life at work, which are very easy to incorporate.

Astrid Hofer, 50. Division Manager Geisels Weingalerie

I got so much energy and have never felt so mentally strong as I do now!

I would tell my friends that every cent is well spent and anyone who values health should definitely work with you. You just pay attention to the whole person with all their areas of life and have helped me in each of these areas. Now I know what it means to age healthy and fit and how good it feels to have a routine, that fits me!

Pascale, 56

I have a complete change in my lifestyle and behavior, which is good for my body and thus also visibly increases my attitude towards life!

I had been searching for something suitable for me for a long time, and thanks to Sabine, I have finally been able to achieve my balance. I feel more in shape and energized than ever before. The extent to which the right diet and raining awareness about my individual health concerns has helped me, impressed me immensely. I appreciate in Sabine the attentive, positive, and professional care and feel optimally accompanied on my way.

Birgit Backeler, 51. Studio Beauty & Style

In a short time I have strengthened myself mentally, developed my lifestyle and shaped myself up to a bikini figure!


Thanks to you, I have been able to bring my life into a positive state in the long term and restore my inner balance and fitness!

You helped me find my nutrition and training flaws and worked with me to find the solutions to them! My big “aha!” Moment with you was your motto: Eat more, weigh less. With your post-it on the door “Bye Biggi” you exceeded my expectations! Your individual perception is just uniquely great.

The most useful thing for me was your constant availability, the feeling of closeness and your interest in the overall situation of my life. So you were able to help me holistically, better than others would have done.

Louis van Gaal, 71. Football Trainer

I can say 100%: Sabine is a true professional!

Sabine Heijman & Louis van Gaal

With a customized nutrition program, I have achieved a healthy weight and experienced a tremendous improvement in my quality of life. I have learned what it takes to age healthy and maintain a fit body shape. By doing so, I hope to extend the duration of my quality of life.

Sabine works with facts, but most importantly she has a sympathetic and holistic approach to working closely with her clients and is very goal oriented.

Golda Schultz, 40. Musician, Soprano

I have reached a new level of performance without limits. On top of that, I feel healthy, in shape and physically and mentally strong like never before!

Pic: Vittorio Greco

Sabine has taught me to put myself first. To trust others to do their jobs and help me get better. Most importantly, I learned to be kinder to myself to support my weight loss and feel comfortable in my skin. I learned to have faith in the process, even if I didn’t implement it “perfectly” right away. Trust that Sabine only has her best interest in mind. Your success is her success too!


Judith Hartel, 35. Cofounder The Linen Story

I have found my healthy lifestyle in my new family life – plus I feel hip, fit, and attractive as a young mom!

My attitude towards my lifestyle has changed – into the positive! I’m more mindful, live much more in the moment and don’t let thoughts upset me so quickly anymore. My most beautiful moment was when I reached my goals! It was an amazing moment when I was measured and lost many cm in circumference.

Thanks to Sabine I know what is good for me. I can only advise everyone: Take time for yourself and your far away goals, and you WILL achieve it.


Roland Mermi, 56. CEO PE TEC

I have found my healthy lifestyle, am internally motivated and find my balance through sports and enjoyable food!

It’s great to achieve well-being and fitness!

Sabine’s program provides information in various areas, such as mindset, nutrition, fitness, motivation and more. Her methodical and pragmatic tips have tremendously helped my progress! Sabine is authentic, she is her concept. Conviction, exemplifying the healthy attitude – with her way she is simply a great inspiration to keep working on me – speak a genius when it comes to motivating people!

Viktoria, 38.

I do this 100% for myself, so that I feel confident in my body, strong and good!

What helped me the most was that you individually adjusted to my situation. So not: “This is how it is now, this is how you have to eat and this is perfect”; but: “How are you? What do YOU need for your everyday life?”

If you are a person who is not so keen on doing it all right or is afraid to change something or thinks “Something is being taken away from me”, then empathizing with you individually is the key to success. You are very empathetic; you took away my fear of change and showed me how to unleash my greatest potential and hold on to it myself.

Katja Meise, 48. Laywer

I now live my perfect life and am super happy and satisfied!

Sabine taught me to take time for myself, establish a self-care routine, enjoy the day and the little things and do sports. I have completely integrated what I learned into my life! I’m out in nature a lot and that’s good for me – I live a great life and am super happy and content! Now I just take good care of myself and enjoy time with my family.

Of course, it pinches and tweaks sometimes in one place or another, but I think that’s just age-related and has nothing to do with my lifestyle now! I live my perfect life!

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HEALTHY, RELAXED AND HAPPY for the rest of your life.

Download my free E-Book “9 Ways to Improve Your Metabolism



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