My 31 personal habits to inspire, inform & support your lifestyle change

Well, I probably don’t have to tell you that reading is real magical. It allows you to come and live inside another brain for a little while, see what it sees, feel what it feels, and then leave again. How comfortable!

Without reading, we wouldn’t have a sense for cultural identity, and we would have far less empathy. People who read regularly happened also to be smarter, better informed, and more knowledgeable about the world… Let’s put on our glasses to feel more intellectual too.

🙋🏻‍♀️ I’ve developed a reading habit the first time being a student (19). I’ve read everything I got in my hands about communication management, pr, advertising, journalism and what was in this context exciting to me etc. (Tip: stop reading a book when you don’t like it after reading 10% of it, maybe give it to another person – but get it out of your house!) Moreover being a young adult, I also bought every „self-help-book“ about self-management and self-development, mindset, social psychology and behavior change. I noticed I could learn so much about myself, my fears and my potentials! 😅 Moreover Art, Travel Books, to many Cooking Books, History and Biographies.

💡 So so you wanna feel good and gain happiness quickly, have some ideas thrown at you through books from other minds. You will be surprised what it positively will do to you. Shut dowb your expectations and buy a book now!

Sabine 💜

P.S. Lack of time? You could start with 5min readings a day, through SMART reading (App with summaries of books) or another way, ask other people to express their ideas on your questions in life!

Die Qualität deiner Vitalität bestimmt, wie du aussiehst, dich fühlst und wie leistungsfähig du bist.


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