What’s your plan? 

Yes, it’s that time of year again when you get all the messages about planning for next year, about ‘new year’s resolutions’ and all that stuff… But what you need is a system, and a part of the system I personally use is:

I decide.

When you use this important part of the system, things start to happen all through the year so you don’t need to wait for a date like Jan 1st to finally start working on your stuff. Deciding makes us Stronger. Indecision makes us Weaker. When we make a decision, we move ourselves forward:

A “yes” moves us to action.
A “no” moves us on to what’s next.
A “maybe” keeps us stuck.

I want you to consider that deciding is POWERFUL. A decision made, and then kept, is STRONG. You will FEEL strong and better as before! So here are the steps:

Make a decision – yes or no.
If it’s a yes, go all in and don’t question.
If it’s a no, let go of the decision, don’t reconsider.

That’s where POWER and FREEDOM are. Indecision waste your time. So let’s practice: 

I want to invite you to make a decision about joining Your Health Coach for your health goals. I will be closing our special offers tomorrow.

Will you accept my offer to coach you? Please decide yes or no as a gift to yourself. If it’s a no, let go of the option and don’t reconsider. If it’s a yes, let’s go all in get started! Don’t get stuck in maybe.

Much love and health for you and your life,


PS. High Performers think different: Although they can have fear – they always go for it! 


Die Qualität deiner Vitalität bestimmt, wie du aussiehst, dich fühlst und wie leistungsfähig du bist.


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